Greeted at the door by The Ticketmaster, students placed their tickets in the ticket box and entered the room with excitement and anticipation as they entered the room, only to be greeting by a large image of a museum sign pointing to a construction site.

"Visitors young and old, I welcome you to the most magical... the most magnificent... the most miraculous... the..." proclaimed The Ticketmaster as he turned towards the construction site. "Oh dear... umm... give me one second..." said The Ticketmaster said nervously.
After making a phone call to his "boss," The Ticketmaster explained to the students that there appeared to be a problem. The museum was suppose to be open, but it was unable to be completed, because this wasn't a museum about ancient fossils or famous artists. This museum was designed to be a magical place about each individual student. The people at the museum couldn't complete the museum because they didn't now everything about each individual student, so The Ticketmaster asked the students if they would help create the museum.
After he Ticketmaster explained that, inspired by the book Me Museum, each student would spend the next several weeks designing architecture, paintings, sculptures, gardens, ceiling murals, gift shops, and tickets for a museum all about themselves.
Students immediately transformed into architects as they spent the rest of their class designing the outside of their museums.

Stay tuned for updates on the development of their museums!
Kasidee has loved this!!!