As we turned the time machine backwards, it took us all of the way back to the Ice Age! Students entered a room with glaring blue lights, the sounds of a blistering wind pumping through the speakers, snow falling projects onto the wall, snowflakes hanging across the ceiling, and candles leading the way to a big bin with time capsules frozen in a very large block of ice.

...oh yeah, and there was this snow-covered caveman, Frosty Frosterson, to guide them along the way.

Students were introduced to the concept of a time capsule. Frosty told the students that these time capsules were brought from different time periods throughout history and that each one contained artifacts of information about a popular toy from that period. It was up to the students to investigate the artifacts to try and understand what life might have been like in that period of time.
Frosty Frosterson chipped the ice block apart, gave each group of students a time capsule, and they were on their way!

After investigated the artifacts, the students shared what they thought life might have been like at the period of their time capsule. Students then generated ideas for what we might put in a time capsule for the year 2019. Popular items included many video game consoles and games, iPhone 11 Pro, Airpods Pro, scrunchies, hydroflasks, and many popular sports teams.
Students and Frosty discussed how artifacts and products can teach others about the culture of a time period. This will be important knowledge to remember as students travel to the future next week and will need to invent products that would fit in a very new culture.